To start a new life for a while includes lots feelings. Imagine to come to a completely new,city, country, and a new part of the world. You can't express yourself in the same way as your native country. Imagine to be used to live alone and then, suddenly live with three roomates and friends around you, 24 hours, 7 days a week. Imagine in the beginning, to not know anyone in a distance of an ocean.
Another diffrence is the conversation culture. Everybody is very confident and open to talk about very private things here. Do you know the predjude from Sweden that people i America are very polite, but just on the surface, for example in a store. I think that is true, SOMETIMES. The ignoring, robot sort of cold asking appears mostly in the business world.They don't even look into your eyes when asking you in a monotone voice " How are you ? Have someone offered you help today ? " . Maybe it's because new people from Europe answer "I'm fine ". When I said that before I knew, I thought I was polite. But in America this phrase means distance and cold. To relatives you should answer " good, great, well, and awesome" because this is thought of in an more friendly tone. Notice that " I'm fine " is a polite phrase in British english. But when you talk to the staff in school, everyday is the best, and they are always hyperexited and extremely polite. They are always talking in a very loud tone, as if to be sure that everybody hear every single words incase everybody would wear a hering-aid. In summmary people in America can be very polite in an realistic way, but also in an very flat, boring, fake-like way. The difference is people who really care about you, and people who just want to have a good business.
All these new changes makes me feel different everyday. Especially the first week. One day you are sad and crying, one day you are so happy and just enjoying having vacation for 6 month in a dreamlike world. Sometimes you feel confident, curious, proud, other days angry, pitable and feeble. Everyday is unique. But in this first two week all these changes have made me more introvert than I'm used to be in Sweden.I don't talk that much, but in compentation thinking the more. It's interesting how you react and unconciously changes, to a new environment with totally new conditions. I just wonder how 6 month will affect me as human. We'll see ;)
But to establish all these feelings we tried American yoga today. Compared to the yoga I'm used to, this was more movements and more flexibility. The music was also diffrent, hiphop mixed with pop, and in Sweden I'm used to these calm, tantric songs. I't feels like I'm used to this school now, and have some rutines, so now I'm going to start discover lots of those American events and activities. I'll tell you later ;)