An emotional journey
20.01.2015 20:48
To start a new life for a while includes lots feelings. Imagine to come to a completely new,city, country, and a new part of the world. You can't express yourself in the same way as your native country. Imagine to be used to live alone and then, suddenly live with three roomates and friends...
The lessons
10.01.2015 03:58
So what is this english classes about?
We´ve got generalclasses, spinclasses and ILab.
We got 10 generalclasses á 80 minutes, a week. We got the coolest, most patient and funniest teacher I ever had. Colombian. Somtimes he just starts sing and dance in the class. I´m learning so much english...
The flight
09.01.2015 04:03
6.06 am waking up, by my friend Louise calling
"I´m at the terminal 2 . Where are you ??
PANIC !!!! Feeeeling the adrenallliiiinnnnn, RUSCHING, PULSING through my veins. The things that never should happen. Actually we were going to meet at the airport at 6. am .
Rusching down...
Nytt eller bara nygammalt ?
03.01.2015 13:11
Jag sitter på bussen till Stockholm och funderar. Jag är påväg till min drömdestination i 6 mån. Jag har sagt adjö till alla nära och kära. Jag lämnar för en stund allt som jag byggt upp under mina knappa 20 år i Sverige. Relationer, saker och prestationer. Men också mer abstrakta ting...
Närmar sig
31.12.2014 13:53
Snart dags för avresa :D